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Richardsville Elementary School - Bowling Green, Kentucky

  • A high-performance building envelope with Nudura Insulated Concrete Forms for interior and exterior walls. The 72,285 sq. ft. school is the First Net-Zero Insulated Concrete Form School in the United States.
  • Designed to use only 18 kBtu/sq. ft.—annually 75% less than the ASHRAE 90.1 design standard for elementary schools
  • Utilized Nudura forms for sound resistance in the gymnasium, cafeteria, music media centre and between classrooms. Nudura forms allowed the building to be constructed quickly during winter and other inclement weather.
  • Other key aspects utilized in this project include: solar panels, active daylighting, Geothermal HVAC with CO2 monitoring, sunshade devices, motion sensors, Energy Star - rated kitchen, and an efficient operation and maintenance plan. The gymnasium floor is made mostly from bamboo and hardwood sections salvaged from the old gymnasium.

Project Stats

Location: Bowling Green, Kentucky, U.S.
Size: 72,285 sq. ft.

Construction Team

Architect: Sherman Carter Barnhardt
Form Distributor: Holdfast Technologies
ICF System: Nudura Inc.

  • Project Profile PDF

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