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October 12, 2022
Using Custom Forms to Meet Design Requirements

At Nudura, we receive questions about how ICFs, as shape-molded forms, can satisfy architects’ custom designs. We know that every building comes with a unique set of circumstances and different conditions that may require a specialty block or two. We developed our forms with that knowledge in-mind to simplify the design and building process. Here’s a breakdown of a few of our different specialty forms and accessories, and when you might use them:

CORNER FORMS: Ninety-degree and/or 45-degree corner forms are necessary for almost any design.

90 degree corner icf

TAPER-TOP FORMS: If your project requires additional bearing to support a floor system, these forms will allow concrete to flow to the interior and exterior edges.

BRICK LEDGE FORMS: Support the heavy loads of brick and nearly any other type of cladding material with these forms.

nudura icf brick ledge form

T-FORM UNITS: These units enable T-walls to marry into the face of a wall. A subdividing wall between two semi-detached houses, or between a residence and a garage, could be facilitated by a T-form unit.

END CAPS: End caps enable the wall to terminate at an end condition. For example, an end cap can be used to provide an insulated break at the window condition.

HEIGHT ADJUSTERS: If the design calls for a unit to terminate at a specific level, the height adjuster can be easily inserted.

height adjuster icf

RADIUS FORM: For intricately rounded wall assemblies, custom radius forms can be ordered to achieve the desired look. Learn more about building curved concrete walls with ICFs here.

radius curved icf block


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