Building a new educational facility is a big undertaking for everyone involved. If you’re considering using Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs) for the first time, there may be even more questions. This blog will walk school officials through the process of designing and constructing an ICF school from start to finish.
So you’ve already explored some of the benefits of Insulated Concrete Forms for educational buildings. The energy-efficiency and subsequent cost-savings of ICF walls are hard to beat. Their durability to natural disasters and ability to exceed building codes, including ICC 500 safe room criteria, makes them all the more desirable to conventional construction methods. ICF structural walls build the safest schools possible.
Compared to CMU and steel framing, ICFs eliminate numerous steps in completing the exterior building envelope. As a 6-in-1 solution, ICF construction reduces weather delays, minimizes the number of trades onsite and ultimately saves time and money on labor. You can dive into the ICF build process further by downloading our free ICF 101 E-Book here.
To help bring this concept to the rest of the school’s stakeholders, gather case studies and data from a trusted general contractor or architect. If there is a design/build firm that the school has worked with before, talk to them about their experience with Insulated Concrete Forms. More builders and design professionals are incorporating this construction method into their scope of work as a way to speed their projects while increasing quality and sustainability. They can then share successful projects that they’ve completed with ICFs and further outline their process. Explore some of these ICF schools here.
If your contact is new to ICF construction, invite them to attend one of our School Summit events to learn more.
Alternatively, if you’re open to working with a different GC or architecture firm, contact your local Nudura representative for referrals to nearby ICF distributors and certified Nudura ICF installers.
While assembling this team, other school officials and decision-makers can learn about this building method. With so many different people involved in constructing a school, it is critical that everyone understands and supports the incorporation of Insulated Concrete Forms. A collaborative approach will streamline the adoption of ICFs and build trust amongst all the stakeholders.
For this consideration phase, bring in the school district’s energy manager, facility manager, superintendent, CFO and board members. Introduce them to other schools who have benefitted from the technology. They can showcase not only the aesthetic possibilities of an ICF structure, but the ongoing financial benefits they’ve experienced.
For example, Warren County Public Schools in Kentucky taut $5 million in energy savings every year since switching to ICF and other sustainable building materials. For those concerned with energy conservation and operational costs, this is huge! Think of what you could do with that extra money. In the case of Warren County, they reallocate funds from their net-zero and net-zero-ready facilities to upgrade aging infrastructure as well as increase their teachers’ salaries.
Once the decision to move forward with Insulated Concrete Forms has been solidified, the design and construction phases proceed as normal. If anything, the process is streamlined. With ICF construction, fewer trades need to be coordinated. And because workers can stack ICF walls quickly, even in inclement weather, the project may even progress faster than anticipated. ICFs insulate the building almost immediately, even before the roof is on, enabling interior work to begin sooner and more comfortably.
From the outside, you’ll see the foundation poured, ICF blocks stacked, the roof attached and the exterior finishes installed. It’s that simple.
After the school construction is done, you’ll immediately feel and see the difference in interior comfort and efficiency. In a school built with ICFs, the soundproofing is dramatic, even when located near a busy intersection or highway. The temperatures are consistent across the building and will require less energy to maintain, so you’ll see a significant decrease in your utility bills compared to schools of a similar size constructed with steel framing or CMUs. ICF schools also provide an added sense of security for students, parents, faculty and staff that the facility can withstand extreme weather and keep everyone inside safe.
Choosing ICF construction for schools means investing in comfort, efficiency and durability that enhances the daily experience for everyone who steps inside. With lower operating costs and a safer, quieter learning environment, it’s a decision that offers lasting benefits for both the school and the community it serves.
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